The variety of Žilavka gives quality wines, while premium quality wines are produced from grapes growing at selected locations(vineyards), very often with the addition of 15% of Krkošija and Bena , which are also autochthonous grape varieties of the region of Herzegovina.
Everybody experiences the Žilavka wine in a personal and individual way. It with its singularity and peculiar qualities, particular fragrance, roundness, and strength typical of southern wines. It bears the impression of Herzegovina. The beautiful crystal clear yellowgreen hue, specific aroma, harmonious proportion of alcohol and acidity, and a rich extract, distinguish Žilavka from all other wines. It’s a strong wine with 12 to 14 % of alcohol, 5 to 6 g/l of total acidity, with a total extract of 20 to 27 g/l. It gains its genuine plenitude and features the longer it is aging in the bottle. I Inhabitants of Herzegovina drink Žilavka with boiled or grilled lamb, eel and other fresh-water and sea fish, as well as with cheese from sheep skin sackand ham. It is best served refrigerated at 10 to 12 ºC.